Gtx 1060 hashrate 2021


Name Hashrate Algo Core Clock Memory Clock Power Type Driver version Version; GeForce GTX 1060 6GB: 23.81 Mh/s: ethash: 1949Mhz: 4452MHz: 107W: Win. (EthControl) 390.65

mining hashrate 1/25/2021 Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 Hashrate . Ethereum Mining Hashrate : 19 MH/s; OverClocking Hashrate : 24 MH/s . Zcash Mining Hashrate : 295 sol/s; OverClocking Hashrate : 325 sol/s . Monero Mining Hashrate : 450 H/S; OverClocking Hashrate : 550 sol/s . Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6G RAM Version : KECCAK Mining Hashrate : 580.22 MH/s Is GTX 1060 good in 2021? Posted by Pratham Basava September 5, 2020 December 28, 2020 Posted in Uncategorized Tags: #gamingpc , #GTX1060 , gaming It’s happened before and now it’s happening again whenever a new generation graphic card sets a whole new level of benchmark for enthusiast gamers placing them on a cross road of whether to GTX1060 hashrate mining Kawpow. I just did some tests mining Ravencoin with a GTX 1060 mining the new Kawpow algorithm.

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Nvidia GTX 1060 can reach 20.09 MH/s hashrate and 97 W power consumption for mining ETH (Ethash) earning around 1.86 USD per day. Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for mining 338 different coins on 120 algorithms. mining hashrate 1/25/2021 Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 Hashrate . Ethereum Mining Hashrate : 19 MH/s; OverClocking Hashrate : 24 MH/s . Zcash Mining Hashrate : 295 sol/s; OverClocking Hashrate : 325 sol/s . Monero Mining Hashrate : 450 H/S; OverClocking Hashrate : 550 sol/s .

The most profitable coins to mine with Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 GPU. Hashrate of Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 for all mining algorithms.

Gtx 1060 hashrate 2021

PL 80% / +100 Core / +250 Mem = 630W at the wall. Looks like silicon lottery is in reverse comparing to mining ETH lol As for the Nvidia GTX 1060 6 GB, there is a 75% advantage.

Mining benchmark & gpu compare for , beamhashII, bitcore, cnr, cuckaroo_swap, cuckatoo31, ethash, kawpow, mtp, x16r, x16rv2, x21s crypto algos | GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

Gtx 1060 hashrate 2021

Specifications. NVIDIA GTX 1060 3GB was released at Aug. 18, 2016. The median power consumption is 80.0W. Current market price is $199.00.

Gtx 1060 hashrate 2021

Want the best GTX 1080 8GB price? We can help - our system gets price data every hour from the top online computer stores. Best Price Mining GPUs by Price Best Ethash Hashrate Ethereum, ETC, Ubiq etc Best Equihash Hashrate Zcash, ZenCash, Bitcoin Gold etc Updated March 2021 Best GTX 1070 8GB Price. Want the best GTX 1070 8GB price? We can help - our system gets price data every hour from the top online computer stores.

Gtx 1060 hashrate 2021

I wanted to share my GTX1060 hashrate mining Kawpow in case anyone else wanted to give it a try, along with the amount of Ravencoin mined in that time. That’s why I opted for the GTX 1060 cards in my mining rig. The real beauty of the 1060 is that after adjusting the overclocking settings and power target options, the 1060 can mine about 95% of it’s max hashrate at about 70% of the power usage – leading to a better return on investment. NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB Your approx. income with NiceHash 2.25 USD / Day START MINING WITH NICEHASH *Please note that values are only estimations based on past performance - real values can be lower or higher. Exchange rate of 1 BTC = 54188.69 USD was used.

We can help - our system gets price data every hour from the top online computer stores. Best Price Mining GPUs by Price Best Ethash Hashrate Ethereum, ETC, Ubiq etc Best Equihash Hashrate Zcash, ZenCash, Bitcoin Gold etc Updated March 2021 Best GTX 1070 8GB Price. Want the best GTX 1070 8GB price? We can help - our system gets price data every hour from the top online computer stores. Best Price Mining GPUs by Price Best Ethash Hashrate Ethereum, ETC, Ubiq etc Best Equihash Hashrate Zcash, ZenCash, Bitcoin Gold etc Best Equihash Hashrate Settings for EVGA GTX 1070 Ti FTW2 mining GPU dual 1070ti EVGA FTW2 setup I am getting 23.5MH/s at 80% Power(150w each), +10% Voltage, +100Mhz core, +500mhz mem at 70 degrees.

BIOS settings : Above 4G-> Enabled, PCIE-> GEN 1 and other setting (cant remember Hashrate Speed; GeForce GTX 1050 lyra2z CryptoDredge 0.9.1 1.2 Mh/s GeForce GTX 1050 Ti GeForce GTX 1060 3GB ethash claymore 11.9 22 Mh/s GeForce GTX 1060 6GB x16r z enemy 1.19 9.2 Mh/s GeForce GTX 1070 ethash claymore 11.9 32.4 Mh/s GeForce GTX 1070 MSI Radeon R9 270X Hashrate : GTX 1060 6GB SC: 23.010 MHash/s: Ethereum: 1100 MHz-EVGA: Nvidia: EVGA GTX 1060 6GB SC Hashrate : R7 370: 170 Hash/s: Equihash: 175: 1030 MHz: 1400 MHz: MSI: AMD: MSI R7 370 Hashrate : 1060 6GB SSC: 25.2 MHash/s: Ethereum-1000 MHz: EVGA: Nvidia: EVGA 1060 6GB SSC Hashrate : Geforce GTX 1060 Gaming + 21.7 MHash/s Mark Model Core Mem Clock Algorithm Hash speed; ASUS: Strix GTX 970: 1400: 2000: Ethereum: 22Mh/s: ASUS: 750Ti 2Gb: 1398: 1300: Neoscrypt: 230Kh/s: ASUS: GTX 970 Sep 13, 2017 1060 6GB Hashrate Zcash. The 1060 6GB can mine Zcash with a hash rate of 300-320 sols while drawing around 100 watts from the wall. Again results will vary depending on the manufacturer of the card and mining software utilized. Best Coin To Mine With Gtx 1060 6gb. When it comes to finding the best coins to mine with the 1060 6GB version, there GTX 1060 6gb Micron low hashrate So I’ve just started mining with my gtx 1060 6gb, but for some reason my hashrate is very low, at 15 and sometimes even 14 mh/s. I’ve got micron memory, which from what I’ve heard should be giving me significantly better performance. Mar 10, 2021 We welcome you to participate in project.

STOP Updated March 2021 The NVidia GTX 1060 3GB is one of the cheapest ways to get into cryptocurrency mining. Typically priced at about 2/3 the price of the 1060 6GB cards, they can hash at almost the same speeds. Nvidia GTX 1060 can reach 20.09 MH/s hashrate and 97 W power consumption for mining ETH (Ethash) earning around 1.86 USD per day. Find out more hashrate, consumption, difficulty, and profitability for mining 338 different coins on 120 algorithms. mining hashrate 1/25/2021 Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 Hashrate . Ethereum Mining Hashrate : 19 MH/s; OverClocking Hashrate : 24 MH/s . Zcash Mining Hashrate : 295 sol/s; OverClocking Hashrate : 325 sol/s .

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That’s why I opted for the GTX 1060 cards in my mining rig. The real beauty of the 1060 is that after adjusting the overclocking settings and power target options, the 1060 can mine about 95% of it’s max hashrate at about 70% of the power usage – leading to a better return on investment. NVIDIA GTX 1060 6GB Your approx. income with NiceHash 2.25 USD / Day START MINING WITH NICEHASH *Please note that values are only estimations based on past performance - real values can be lower or higher.

Mining benchmark & gpu compare for , beamhashII, bitcore, cnr, cuckaroo_swap, cuckatoo31, ethash, kawpow, mtp, x16r, x16rv2, x21s crypto algos | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 | x16rv2 | Sort: -hashrate MinerMonitoring complete Windows/Linux mining monitoring and controlling software with iOS/Android applications

Its hashrate is ~26MH/s, and the power consumption is ~70W. The 'top mining hashrate speed' is the fastest mH/s I was able to find posted online for that specific GTX 1060 6GB etherem mining graphics card. If you want to get  Nvidia GPUs overclocking and setup. Low hashrate 2060 super.

I picked up a GTX1660Ti and benchmarked it on all the popular mined cryptocoins including Ethereum, Monero, Grin, Vertcoin, Beam e.t.c I made up some nice lo Updated March 2021 Best GTX 1080 8GB Price. Want the best GTX 1080 8GB price? We can help - our system gets price data every hour from the top online computer stores. Best Price Mining GPUs by Price Best Ethash Hashrate Ethereum, ETC, Ubiq etc Best Equihash Hashrate Zcash, ZenCash, Bitcoin Gold etc Updated March 2021 Best GTX 1070 8GB Price. Want the best GTX 1070 8GB price? We can help - our system gets price data every hour from the top online computer stores.